Private Companies

Combining firewall, router, crypto and many feauters in one box, i-bekçi systems provide solution to the information communication and security needs of small, medium and big scaled privates companies. i-bekçi makes it possible to end ADSL, leased lines, frame relay ve fiber connection on itself directly without any need of another router or modem, meeting the needs of internet or virtual private network connections. Gathering all these functions in one box makes it easy to manage and provides more and more efficient use of security functions. In addition, if necessary, i-bekçi can work compatibly with other routers and modems.

Virtual Pprivate Networks can be built with i-bekçi especially at locations such as Head Office-Branch structured companies and with many other points. In addition to those funtionalities, bandwith management, NAT/PAT, traffic prioritization, load balancing, clustering, transparent operation, load distribution functionalities are provided with
i-bekçi systems.